Monday, March 31, 2008

Car Lease Without The Penalties

If a person wants to terminate their car lease which they have, doing so they will often incur some very heavy penalties from the leasing company. Today however, there are now ways in which one can get rid of a leased vehicle and which should help to prevent them from incurring any kinds of penalties.

In this article, we look at companies who are now providing a service that matches those who are wishing to get out of a lease agreement to those who are willing to buy into one. So for a fee these companies are in fact acting as online service that is able to match up the right lease seller with the right buyer.

After a deal has been made between the lease seller and the lease buyer the company who has acted as intermediary between the two parties will arrange for the transfer of the lease and title documents. They also help both the buyer and seller to work their way through the processes to this transfer to ensure that everything remains legal and above board.

If you are thinking about using the services of anyone of the many lease-trading companies that are online, you need to factor in certain things. The first being that you will be expected to pay will be their fees for using their services. The initial fee that you are going to be charged for setting up the listing will be between $30 and $130. Plus along with this, some companies may also charge you a further fee of between $95 and $150 to carry out the transfer.

However, what you will often find is that the fees that these companies charge you for using their services will be far less than those you would expect to pay to either a lease company or a car dealership. In a lot of cases where people have chosen to terminate the lease on a vehicle, the dealer or lease company has required any monies that are owed to be paid in full along with a fee for termination of the lease. Whilst there are other dealers and lease companies who instead will require that you actually purchase the vehicle from them.

When a person sells a leased car through a lease-trading company, they list the vehicle with them and then any potential buyers will contact them directly. Once contacted, it is then between the buyer and seller to negotiate the price at which they are both happy with.

Only after a deal has been brokered between the seller and buyer of the lease will the lease-trading company get involved again. After the deal has been done then all matters relating to the processing of the paperwork to transfer the lease and title over to the buyer will be carried out by the lease-trading company.

When you are thinking of selling a car lease by using a lease-trading company you need to be aware that although the majority of dealers, lease companies and car manufacturers are happy for such transactions to occur, there are some who are not. For example, companies such as Nissan and Audi will only allow such transfers to take place as long as the original lessor of the vehicle retains some liability for it once the transfer has occurred.